
Friday, January 24, 2014

Mystery TV Show Theme Songs

Today's topic at Mystery Playground is theme songs for crime fiction, mystery cartoon, and just plain thrilling TV shows. There's not too much I can write about these fabulous trademark themes because they already live somewhere in the deep recesses of your mind. Let's open those vast yet wonderful TV theme song caverns, shall we?

Here's the theme song to PBS Mystery! minus the trademark moans. 

And here's the opening of Magnum PI, one of the absolute Mike Post greats...I can hear you humming along...

And last but not least, we have the theme song from that classic of all mystery TV shows...the original Scooby Doo...

Here are the words, just in case you would like to sing along. 

"Scooby Dooby Doo,Where are you 
We got some work to do (now) 
Scooby Dooby Doo, Where are you? 
We need some help from you, now 
Come on,Scooby Doo, I see you  
pretending you got a sliver 
But you're not foolin' me, cause I can see 
the way you shake and shiver  
You know we got a mystery to solve 
and Scooby Doo, be ready for your act  
Don't hold back! 
And Scooby Doo if you come through you're gonna have yourself a Scooby Snack! 
Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you 
You're ready and you're willing 
If we can count on you Scooby Doo 
I know you'll catch that villain"

That's only a taste of classic theme songs, so don't you worry, we'll back with more classic theme songs for your listening pleasure soon. I had so much fun doing this, it will now be a monthly feature. Put your favorites in the comments below. The only rule is the show has to be in re-runs or off the air.

Special thanks to Suzie for pointing out this major hole in Mystery Playground coverage to date.  


  1. You've hit three of the best to start, that's for sure. And I have to admit that all three are ringtones for different members of my family. Does that make me weird? Murder, She Wrote is my next fave.

    1. That is so awesome, Kerry. I laughed out loud. I'm going to have to talk to my family about their boring ring tones.
