
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Limoncello Yellow & Giveaways

Today we have limoncello recipes, an interview and giveaways from Traci Andrighetti, author of the new mystery, Limoncello Yello. 

If you comment below, you'll be entered for a free copy of Limoncello Yellow (sorry US only, no PO boxes). Traci is also hosting a wonderful Rafflecopter giveaway below for a necklace from Fleurty Girl in New Orleans (I love that store and so does Traci).

Let's start with the interview with Traci:

1) There seem to be a lot of Italian men in your books, is there a special one in your life?

Well, my father is Italian, and I took after him, so I figured two Italians in the family were enough! I wisely chose a half German and half Swedish man as my better half, and we complement each other really well. Like yin and yang.

2) How did you come up with the name for the book?

I often read in Italian, and one of my favorite Italian authors, Gabriella Genisi, always has a type of fruit and sometimes even a color in her titles. So, I started thinking about what I could put in my titles that would be fun and colorful like fruit. And then it came to me: Italian wines and liqueurs. LOL! Then I tried to come up with titles for each type of drink, but they just didn't sound right. That's when I decided that I would include the colors, as well. The best part about these titles is that they force me to figure out a plot that features the drink and its color. 

3) What inspired you to write a murder mystery?

Nancy Drew! She was my favorite protagonist as a little girl, so much so that my cousin and I wrote a Carolyn Keene–style mystery when we were 12. It was called The Message in the Driftwood (intriguing, right? Ha!). I especially loved the Nancy Drew books that involved jewelry or something haunted. So, my next novel in the Franki Amato Mystery series, Prosecco Pink, involves a pink diamond and a haunted plantation home.

4) What is the hardest thing about writing a book?

Finding the time. I have a day job and an eleven-year-old son, so writing is something of a luxury. I tend to write anywhere and everywhere I can. My favorite place I've written is the famous Carousel Bar and Lounge (it actually spins!) in the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans. In fact, I made sure to include the bar in a key scene in Limoncello Yellow.

5) There is a voodoo priestess in your book, how did that character evolve?

One of the many things that makes New Orleans unique in the United States is its history and tradition of voodoo. So when I sat down to write Limoncello Yellow, I felt that voodoo had to play some sort of role in the plot. Most people don't realize, however, that voodoo is actually used to do good, like helping the poor and the sick. So, out of respect for the voodoo community, I created a voodoo priestess named Odette Malveaux who seems formidable but, in reality, is a good soul.

And here's Traci's recipe for Limoncello. Looks and sounds delicious. 


10 medium-sized Meyer lemons (15 if they’re small)
1 quart Everclear
1 ½ quarts water
2 ¾ pounds sugar

Wash and peel the lemons. Soak the lemon peels in ¾ of the Everclear for one to two months. Then store the mixture in a cool, dark place in an airtight container.

Once the Everclear is infused with the oil from the lemon peels, boil the sugar and water until it makes a syrup (about 5 minutes). Let the syrup cool, and then pour it into the lemon peel mixture along with the remaining Everclear.

Store the Limoncello mixture in a cool, dry place for 40 more days. Then strain it using cheesecloth to remove all of the lemon peels. Now, you’re ready to bottle your Limoncello and drink it! Just don’t forget to chill it in the freezer first.

If you’d like to try Limoncello with a Tex-Mex twist, here’s a fun drink recipe:

Limoncello Margarita
2 ounces tequila
1 ounce Grand Mariner
1 ounce Limoncello
½ ounce fresh lemon juice
½ ounce fresh lime juice
¼ to ½ teaspoon simple syrup or sugar
salt (for the rim of the glass)

So, when life gives you lemons, forget the lemonade and make Limoncello. Or yummy Limoncello margaritas.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. For a while we were able to buy Limoncello wine here in central Texas and we loved it. Then they dropped it. Reading the book will help bring back memories.

  2. Thank you Traci for a great post, recipe and the giveaway.

  3. I had no idea it was that easy to make Limoncello.

  4. This sounds yummy on all sorts of levels! I hope I win the give away because after enjoying the book I will put it in my community college library for others to enjoy. Pick me!!

  5. I absolutely love the book cover! I can't wait to read this one.

  6. I found Limoncello at Wal-Mart. Wow, haven't had Everclear for around 40 years.

  7. I love fun new books and this one definitely sounds like a fun read.

  8. I loved the limoncello recipes, and the interview! Thanks for the wonderful
    "Limoncello Yellow" book Giveaway too!

  9. Loved answer 4. I love writing poetry for self entertainment and I to write anywhere I can.

  10. Interesting recipe

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  11. What a fun and interesting post. Thanks for the recipe! This would be a good recommendation for my mystery book club.
