
Friday, August 8, 2014

Book Fair and Foul with Lemoncello Green Tea

Friday Drinks with Reads comes to you from Erika Chase, author of the Ashton Corners Book Club Mysteries. 

Now what drink would be a great match with the Ashton Corners Mystery Readers and Cheese Straws Society? Never heard of them? Well, thanks for asking. It’s a mystery book club in the small town of Ashton Corners, Alabama. And you know that means hot.

So, it’s got to be something cool like maybe an iced something. But first, let me digress.

My protagonist, Lizzie Turner is the main character and one of the instigators of the book club, along with her dear friend Molly Mathews. Now, Molly is a Southern lady who tends more to iced tea to keep her cool. While Lizzie can be a bit more venturesome. In fact, she's been experimenting and has come up with her now-signature drink. She calls it, the Green Citrus Italian!  It's green tea, a touch of Limoncello, with a slice of frozen lime and mint. 

Lizzie’s been experimenting with different flavors of green tea to find the perfect taste for this drink and finds she prefers Dragonwell green tea. Add an appropriate amount (possibly one ounce) of Limoncillo liqueur. If you're not familiar with it, it's from Italy and definitely has a tang of lemons. Add a slice of frozen lime and some mint leaves, pour over ice and voila - a cool compliment to a hot day. And definitely healthy - green tea, lemon, lime and mint, how could it not be.

Lizzie will try this out at the next book club meeting she's hosting. Her choice of book next month is The Wolf Widow by Victoria Abbott. She's sure even Bob Miller, one of the two males in the group, who prefers police procedurals will enjoy it.

If you'd like some more reading suggestions, check out the club members' reading lists at the back of Book Fair and Foul, the latest Ashton Corners Book Club Mystery just out or any of the books in the series. There are seven members in the book club, of varying ages and tastes, so the lists provide some variety in titles.

Pour a glass of your favorite drink and enjoy!


  1. It's Friday and time to check out a great drink and a great book.

  2. Thanks for the heads up. This book sounds wonderful!

  3. Mystery, books and cats, these are great themes.

  4. that would definately be a lively book club!

  5. Last month I went to my local Organic Market and they told me that this green juice was probably the best, so I bought it. I really had no idea which one to go for.

  6. Green tea is really great for weight loss and ginger and lemon can give it a better taste.
