Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Alfred Hitchcock & Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Giveaway

I'm in the kitchen getting the turkey and pirate treasure hunts ready, so I thought we'd give away the November issues of Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine and Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine to celebrate. 

These magazines are full of wonderful short stories - quick little bites of crime fiction that you can fit in-between holiday shopping and parties. 

Just comment below to enter. US residents only. 

And don't forget to start thawing that frozen turkey by putting it in the fridge now...


  1. Thanks for this delightful and interesting giveaway. Enjoyable. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  2. Those magazines look great, love mystery stories. Thanks for the chance :)

  3. I loved watching the Alfred Hitchcock and Ellery Queen movies when I was younger. The thought of a magazine brings back these found memories. Robin Coxon, robeader53@yahoo.com

  4. Loved these publications. I haven't seen them in years. Bobbipad at gmail.com

  5. Both great magazines for mystery lovers.

  6. I love turkey! And crime stories! corilynn (dot) arnold (at) gmail.com

  7. I love to read both of these! Loved the series on TV also, especially Ellery Queen. When I manage to snag one of them I read 1 story at a time in between books I'm reading.

  8. I got my big turkey breast in the fridge to thaw earlier this evening. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway, would love to win!

    brookeb811 at gmail dot com

  9. Our winner is Lisa! Look for an e-mail shortly.
