Monday, July 20, 2015

#MajorCrimes Facebook Chat Recap With Raymond Cruz, Phillip Keene and James Duff

Major Crimes Co-Creator and Executive Producer, James Duff was joined by Raymond Cruz (Julio Sanchez) and Phillip Keene (Buzz) for tonight's Facebook Chat. I've recapped James' answers to all of the questions here - eliminating any specific references to the action happening in tonight's episode. 

Before we get started, you may want to take a look at the latest installment of Rusty's video log Identity: What's in a Name. If you have seen the other six episodes, you may want to start with the first. It can be found here

James Duff Raymond and I are looking forward to your reactions to this new episode! One of our most action oriented of the series. Directed by Michael M. Robin! Michael directed last year's Two Options, featuring all the helicopter chases!

James Duff Michael M. Robin spent three nights filming the opening of this episode.

James Duff Stefanie W asks if we have any news on season 5. Not yet, but we feel pretty good about it. In live same day ratings, we are either the first or second scripted series on basic cable, and sometimes the number one show period. Nothing is for certain. That's why we try to enjoy our work together while we can.

James Duff Raymond gets offered so many shows, I lose count. But he loves living in Los Angeles, and works so hard on Major Crimes, that he can be choosy.

James Duff Raymond Cruz also plays Tuco Salamanca on Breaking Bad and its prequel, Better Call Saul, and many of you saw him in the movie about Ariel Castro on Lifetime late spring.

James Duff Patrice will be back this November and   December. You will see her a lot.

James Duff Counting tonight, we have four more episodes this summer, and eight episodes this winter.

James Duff Lorraine B asks if Sanchez would ever have a romantic interest. Raymond says he would love to have lots and lots of romantic interests, but I myself don't know how much his wife would feel about it.

James Duff If he could date Jeri Ryan on the show, that make Raymond very happy.

James Duff Patsy A N asks if Julio is still living with his mom. Yes, for the time being, he's looking after her, but she's getting better.

James Duff People ask why we split up our season. It's largely because the network wants it that way.

James Duff Just want to say, don't miss the opening of this new episode. I think it's pretty emotional.

James Duff Something many people don't know: police officers are never, ever left in the street when they are shot unless there is an extremely good reason.

James Duff Whenever law enforcement officers are killed in the line of duty, the police mass, along with the fire department and Sheriff's Deputies.

James Duff Thank you to all who are experiencing the opening as an emotional experience. It's how we all felt, too.

James Duff Kelly B asks when we are going to see more of a relationship between Andy and Sharon. Please tune in next week, and stay until the very end, because there's a big, big moment in this relationship that will change the way everyone looks at it.

James Duff Rachel I I L asks where we get our stories from. And the truth is, most of them are completely made up, though Det. Mike Berchem, with whom I often write, sometimes pulls out his experience.

James Duff Kellie M ask whether Raymond and Phillip (who has just joined us) prefer to doing indoor or outdoor scenes. Or, as we would say here in L.A., scenes on our hero sets, or out on location. Raymond hates location and doesn't like going outside and isn't that fond of nature, period.

James Duff Raymond and Phillip often play golf together, along with Michael Paul Chan. And sometimes go on twenty-mile bike rides. Outside. Don't know how Raymond squares all that with hating nature.

James Duff Bárbara Godoi please tune in next week and stay until the very end to see something of what your asking about with Sharon and Andy.

James Duff Deborah Lacy asks if Raymond if his preparation for the character has changed since he started undergoing anger management. Raymond says, no. It's all hard work. Finding the inner life and then holding on to it is a continuing journey. Playing the character for over a decade doesn't change how difficult it is to find the authenticity in each week's work. What I love about Raymond that he never does anything except what he believes the character would do. And that he can change an entire scene with just a look.

James Duff @Karia O asks if Rusty's biological mother will return this season. Not in the summer, but in the fall: yes.

James Duff Elaine says Raymond is so cute that he probably is so cute that he probably has to fight off ladies. I've never seen him struggle. But, in real life, Raymond is married and has a son, and he only has eyes for his wife.

James Duff @Louise K asks what roles Raymond would like to try off Major Crimes. Raymond says he'd love to try his hand at some more comedies. One of his favorite roles ever was a young gay man obsessed with Dorothy and the Ruby Red Slippers from the Wizard of Oz. He was pretty hilarious. It's called Playing Patty. He's incredibly hilarious.

James Duff @Hubert BB says he'd like more screen time for Phillip P. Keene. Phillip says he's willing. Look for another Buzzcentric episode next season.

James Duff Tamela C M mentions that two police officers where in Hattiesburg, Mississippi were shot to death at a routine traffic stop last May. It happens. It's horrible. It's disturbing.

James Duff We tried to capture the grief our first responders feel in a moment like this. The courage it takes to be a police officer, especially today, in the face of so many difficulties, is pretty amazing.

James Duff Linda K asks what she and other loyal viewers can do to help convince TNT to renew Major Crimes for another season! Raymond says only our watch our show!

James Duff Our guest stars in this episode are amazing.

James Duff Helicopters and Special Operations Bureau work with Major Crimes. This stuff happens in Los Angeles every day.

James Duff We get criticized sometimes for not showing enough of L.A. We just showed about half the city from one of those helicopter shots!

James Duff Please stop flattering Phillip and Raymond for their picture above this chat session. It's made them both unbearable. Raymond is especially obnoxious. But in a lovable way.

James Duff All right. I want to give you a final word before we leave. This show is not about politics; it's about justice; it's about ethics. We wrote and produced it before Donald Trump entered the Presidential race and not one word of the show is related to anything Mr. Trump is said.

James Duff It is the job of artists and storytellers to ask questions. Not to provide answers. We work our way to the end of our inquiry and stop.

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