Kerry Hammond recently attended a four part series of
classes at her local used book store,
The Printed Page Bookshop. Each class taught a different topic about rare
books, preservation, and collecting. Here are her notes from Class Two: Protecting
Your Collection. We're running her notes on each class each Wednesday this month.
There are many aspects of protecting your collection of
books: where to store them, how to handle them, and, if necessary, how to clean
them. Books have been made out of different materials over the years, and each
one can show their own kind of wear and require a different method of
preservation. Up through the Industrial Age, paper was made from cotton and
linen rag. Post Civil War paper was almost exclusively wood pulp. It can be
difficult to determine one way to protect books that are so different, but
there are a few things that seem to be universal.
The books need to be kept in a stable environment. The four
buzz words are: cool, clean, dry, and dimly lit. Cool & Dry: If the books
are kept too dry they may become too brittle, but if a temperature level is
maintained, the relative humidity tends to also be stable. Temperatures between
65-70 degrees Fahrenheit are best. Clean: dust books off before opening them,
this will avoid allowing the dust to get inside. Dimly Lit: to avoid
overexposure to UV light, don’t hang things on the wall opposite a window.
Some of the different things that can happen to a book to
damage it include foxing, UV damage, tearing, and water damage. Foxing appears as brown
spots on a page. It has to do with rust like fragments of metal in the pulp
used to make the paper. If there is a mold component due to humidity it will be
worse. These spots are usually repaired with a hydrogen peroxide formula, but
this shouldn’t be attempted at home, as it can damage the book if not done
Tidemarks are water damage that hasn’t dried properly. The
impurities in the paper are pushed to one spot and leave a mark. There
are special gum based erasers that are used to remove these marks. They can be
purchased from Archival supply websites.
Next class: Bibliographies
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