Sunday, August 13, 2017

Happy Birthday Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock was known as the "master of suspense." During his career he directed and produced some of the most iconic films of all time. To celebrate his 118th birthday, we're doing a recap of this week's Mystery Playground Hitchcock posts.

Dial M for Murder, which starred Grace Kelly and Ray Milland, is one of the most popular Hitchcock films. Mystery Playground has created lots of ways to pay tribute to the movie and its creator. You can send a friend a note just to say hello with this Dial M for Murder notecard.

Or, if you have a friend who is a Hitchcock fan and you need that perfect gift, you can make these Dial M for Murder earrings.

Dust off the cocktail glasses and invite some friends over for a viewing of the movie. The perfect drink to go with the movie is a very dry gin martini, but don't stir too much or you'll water them down.

Nothing says hello like a notecard devoted to the movie Psycho

If you want to have a Hitchcock movie party, you can follow these suggestions for a viewing of The Birds, complete with decorations, food, and drink pairings.

We've got lots more Hitchcock for you on Mystery Playground, so stay tuned for next week's posts.

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