Thursday, April 25, 2013

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

It's been a great week for fabulous books. I just finished reading Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan.  It's a story combining old world books with new world things like Google, taking a page from books like Carlos Ruiz Zafon's Shadow of the Wind, but making it it's own. 

On Robin Sloan's own website, he describes the book as, 

"This is a novel about books and technology, cryptography and conspiracy, friendship and love. "
If you love the intersection of books, knowledge and technology, or even a good story of friendship you will like this book. 

My words here don't do it justice. Just go pick it up.  Plus, it's got a great title. What's not to love. 


  1. I read this book a few months ago and was all excited to read it. The ending left me more confused than anything.

    1. Kerry - I liked the ending. I think it was meant to be a little ambiguous.

  2. I like the title.

    Kerry- are you sure it was the book?

  3. I LOVED the "old world meets new world" through the characters. The young kids who enter the cavernous library and think "wow...this isn't a library its the bat cave." Sometimes this book made me laugh out loud. Really enjoyed it, thanks for highlighting it.

  4. This book had great promise with a quest for immortality and a puzzle in a coded manuscript, along with a secret society. I kept reading , hoping for a wonderful conclusion to the mystery and was left bereft of a satisfying conclusion.

    1. Shagway - Thank you for your comment. Others agree with you. I felt satisfied by the ending but understand how you could feel that it fell short.
