Saturday, June 29, 2013

Police Car Circa 1968

Stumbled upon this restored 1968 Ford Custom 500 police car on display the Sunset Magazine Celebration Weekend by the Menlo Park Police. The car wasn't actually used in Menlo Park. It was a police car used by another city's police department although identical to what the Menlo Park police had at that time. Any any event, its a lovely working car with a V8 engine it's 1968 radar restored.

The vehicle is privately owned by Communications Officer Darryl M. Lindsay. Thank you for sharing your vehicle with us Officer Lindsay. 


  1. This is so cool. I'd love to ride in it.

  2. Hey, Deborah Lacy! Look at two pictures. So cool. I enjoy this Police Car Circa 1968. I wish I can drive it.

  3. It is such a nice car! I love it, thank you for sharing this cool 1968 Ford Custom 500 police car with us.
