I love magic tricks so when I got the chance to meet magician, Chris Dugdale, I just couldn't resist asking him a few questions. Chris has performed his magic for HRH Prince Charles, Richard Branson and Angelina Jolie, entertaining at 11 Royal Command Performances, two United Nations Performances, but you may have seen him in on the NBC show, Dracula.
Here's Chris doing a card trick called, "All In."
Here is the interview with Chris:
What is the best part about being a magician?
The fact that it is the only thing left in the world that can make a billionaire feel like a child again.
Here's Chris on the left and on the right is HRH Prince Charles. |
What is your process for developing new tricks?
Have a goal and work backwards. Work with great people. I am lucky to have a great writer, director, consultant and agent.
How long and where did you study to be a magician?
I've been studying magic since I was five. I was self taught until other magicians took and interest in me and offered to mentor.
Who is the magician that you admire the most or who influenced you the most?
That's easy. Lance Burton is the greatest magician who ever lived.
What is the hardest thing about your job?
Traveling away from my baby and wife.
What inspired you to become a magician?
First it was Paul Daniels. And then it was the disbelief in people's faces when you perform magic and suspend their disbelief. It continues to inspire me when you can give the audience an emotional experience beyond the norm.
Is there a book or a trick for beginners that you recommend?
There are lots of tips and tricks at
Here's Chris with Penn & Teller and on Dracula:
Here's Chris with Penn & Teller and on Dracula:
Chris Dugdale started learning magic at the age of 5 years old. Not being an enthusiastic reader, his grandfather thought that it would encourage Chris to read if he bought him a set of magic tricks and go through the instructions with him. The magic took hold more than the reading! From that young age he was captivated and this has lead into a life long passion for the art.
At the age of 18 he became the youngest member of the world renowned Magic Circle and successfully levitated a presenter on BBC television live in front of 6 million people. Shortly afterwards he was promoted to the highest honour possible by award - Associate of the Inner Magic Circle. The day he graduated from Leicester university, armed with a degree in psychology, he became a full time magician. He has since become a world famous author of his own magic and lecturer on the psychology of magic. But performance is his real passion and in 2003 he became the first magician in history to entertain Her Majesty the Queen and the United Nations in the same year. December 2nd 2005 saw his return to New York to entertain at the United Nations.
His schedule has included over 100 appearances in the Monte Carlo Casino in Las Vegas and over 50 appearances at the world famous Hollywood Magic Castle
We'll leave you today with this 30 second magic trick from Chris:
We'll leave you today with this 30 second magic trick from Chris:
He suspends peoples' disbelief like a talented author does. How cool.