Friday, February 15, 2019

Skin Game and The Bloody Beam

JD Allen is here making wild drinks, with quite a kick, to match her new book, Skin GameJ.D Allen's Sin City Investigations series launched with 19 Souls in 2018, Book 2, Skin Game followed February 8th. She is a  Freddie Award-winner and has short stories in the Anthony Award-winning anthology, Murder under the Oaks. She’s past chair of the Bouchercon National Board, a member of MWA, PI Writer’s of America, and president of her local Sisters in Crime chapter. She’s an Ohio State Univ. Alum with a degree in forensic anthropology and a creative writing minor. Now let's hear about her new book, Skin Game...

Jim's not a fancy guy. And his choice of adult beverages is no exception. He spends many a hungover morning at the Coffee Girl Diner which had been taken over by a mad vegan and ruined breakfast. The place is across the street from his townhouse so he never bothered to change his routine. Jim Bean stars in the Sin City Investigations books. Yes. Bean. Not Beam. His favorite waitress at the diner across the street likes to send him a zinger about his name occasionally. One particularly rough Sunday morning she switched out the traditional vodka with Jim Beam in his 'hair-of-the-dog' go to and accidentally started a tradition. To go with the fake egg omelets and seventy-grain toast, Jim found the Bloody Beam helps the health food go down. 


2 Basil Leaves
1 shot Jim Beam® Bourbon
3 dashes Tabasco® Sauce
Black Pepper
4 parts V8® Light Mix
4 dashes Worcestershire Sauce
Sandy sticks in a couple of olives and a pickled green beans just to be funny.

In a mixing glass muddle the sauces, spices, and basil. Add all remaining ingredients and roll back and forth with ice in a mixing tin. Pour over ice in a glass rimmed with Cajun spice.

In Skin Game,  private investigator Jim Bean has worked hard to create his new identity in Las Vegas. Now his life’s on cruise control, destination nowhere.  He’s got clients enough to pay his bills, a cat, and a stash of whiskey and scotch. 

But life’s not as static as he’d like. His tragic past collides with a dangerous present when ex-fiancé Erica Floyd walks into his investigation. She’s looking for her missing sister. Bean can’t refuse her, and the clues lead him to human traffickers and one of Vegas’ biggest hotel moguls. 
He’s got to face ghosts of his past, his anger of the present, and a brand new enemy to save four women from a fate worse than death. 

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